

Good news and bad for ND in seatbelt study

Congratulation North Dakota drivers. It seems we are getting better about buckling up. The bad news is we still rank near the bottom among all 50 states when it comes to using seatbelts. According to a study done by QuoteWizard, a lendingtree company, North Dakota ranked #1 for the highest ...

Gun violence is no joking matter

An Oregon man is lucky his idea of testing the Second Amendment did not result in his death. Another man, in Ohio, may be about to learn amassing an arsenal, then talking about mass shootings, isn’t funny at all. What on Earth is wrong with these people and, sad to say, what appears to be ...

Law enforcement drone use possibly a slippery slope

This week the North Dakota Highway Patrol was granted a waiver from the Federal Aviation Administration to operate drones/Unmanned Aircraft Systems over people. The NDHP is the first highway patrol agency in the nation to be granted this waiver, which was approved for four years. The ...

Hopefully City Hall isn’t kicking can down the road on gathering space

The decision by the Minot City Council to effectively continue pursuing the current plan for the site location for the gathering space, only extending the deadline to acquire property to the end of September, would seem to indicate that the City and property owners must be close to agreements. ...

Good neighbors look after one another

A comment about hate crime that is both disturbing and in a way encouraging was made a few days ago by a woman who apparently was a victim of it. Police in Sterling, Ohio, are investigating an explosion that reduced a home to rubble. Fortunately, no one was injured — because no one was ...

The news is more than just sex trafficking and shootings

If all you remember about the news of last week is mass shootings, an alleged sex trafficker dying in jail and some nervous days on Wall Street, well, you missed out. Several local news items we reported last week bear repeating, with some congratulations extended to the individuals ...