Take moment of silence on Pearl Harbor Day
Eighty-two years ago on Dec. 7, 1941, the “Day of Infamy,” as President Franklin D. Roosevelt called it, at 12:25 p.m. (Minot time) the first bombs dropped that would plunge the United States into World War II.
On this day a Japanese armada of more than 100 planes and midget submarines struck the unsuspecting Americans at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.
On the 50th anniversary of the attack, The Minot Daily News reported, “It was a savage blow against 86 ships, which were at berth. The Battleship Arizona was sunk, the Oklahoma, Nevada, California, West Virginia, three destroyers, one target ship and a minelayer severely damaged and put out of action and the Pennsylvania, Maryland, Tennessee and three cruisers damaged but later repaired.
“Eighty Navy planes and 97 of the then Army Air Corps were shot down as against the loss of 48 Japanese planes and three midget submarines.
Killed were 2,117 Navy men and 226 Army personnel. The Navy also reported 916 men missing and another 870 wounded.”
The attack by 190 Japanese attack planes had been prepared months in advance.
When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt directed organization of the nation’s manpower and resources for global war.
Since the attack on Pearl Harbor and the U.S. involvement in World War II for the next four years, the U.S. has engaged in several conflicts, including today’s efforts to assist Ukraine and Israel.
Throughout the years many U.S. military men and women have fought for our freedom and to protect our country.
On this anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, we ask you to take a moment of silence to honor and remember those who lost their lives or were injured on that Dec. 7.