
The news is more than just sex trafficking and shootings

If all you remember about the news of last week is mass shootings, an alleged sex trafficker dying in jail and some nervous days on Wall Street, well, you missed out.

Several local news items we reported last week bear repeating, with some congratulations extended to the individuals involved.

As we reported, Jadyn Sandy from Velva High School received national recognition at the FBLA Awards of Excellence Program on July 2. Sandy competed in Business Plan and brought home eighth place. Sandy’s business, Star City Candle Co. LLC, designed and manufactured beeswax candles that are all natural, produce no byproducts, and are environmentally safe and friendly. The uniqueness of the business is that beeswax candles are hypoallergenic and beneficial for those with environmental allergies, sensitivities, and asthma. Beeswax candles also improve air quality.

Very commendable. Congratulations on the award.

Sandy’s take on the experience is also worth a second read.

“The conference was very enjoyable and inspiring. Overall, preparing this business plan and being in FBLA has taught me so much. Just the experience that came with competing on a national level is enough! It has taught me that, yes, a freshman from a small town in North Dakota can make a difference. All of the hard work you put in really does pay off!”

Refreshing. And hopefully motivating to other high school students considering getting involved in FBLA.

Also honored was Daniel Haff, a Purple Heart recipient, on Purple Heart Day which is observed every Aug. 7.

Haff, who served in Afghanistan, received an American flag during a ceremony at Elmcroft Assisted Living put on by members of Honoring Those Who Served-Ministry. The group additionally placed 84 flags on the graves of local servicemen who were recipients of the Purple Heart.

We are thankful, not only for the service of our wounded veterans but for the men and women who take the time to express in person their appreciation for that service.

A third item in our columns not to be missed was the hiring of an executive director for the Minot Area Recovery Community Organization.

Minot attorney Andrew Schultz, the new executive director, said the organization’s work will be a community effort.

“This organization is one of the few of its kind in the country and it’s the first in North Dakota. We are an organization out to get things done. Our mandate is 100 miles in every direction to coordinate existing recovery resources and to actually do our own objective, empirical studies and find out where the holes are and then help people develop entities to fix those holes.”

We plan to follow closely the work of this organization and wish Schultz and other members the best of luck in their battle against addiction within the community.


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