
Scott “Viggy” Vigested

The movie The Sandlot

has a scene with Babe

Ruth saying, “There’s

heroes and there’s

legends; heroes get

remembered, but legends

never die.” Scott Vigest-

ed passed away Thursday,

January 9, 2020 in Minot,

joining the ranks of many

of the Legends.

From childhood on,

Scott had a natural ability

to connect with anyone he

met. He had a quick wit, a

friendly smile, and a con-

tagious laugh. If you met

Scott, you were a friend,

and if you were a friend,

you were family.

Throughout his life, Scott

met and worked with

many people across the

state, and more often than

not, these relationships

lasted a lifetime.

Of all the relationships

in his life, the most im-

portant started on June

13, 2002, with the birth of

Dylan, the son of him and

his lifetime love, Stacy

Norton. From that day on,

Scott dedicated his life to

being a rock-star dad.

Raising Dylan was the

greatest source of Scott’s

pride and joy, and Scott’s

ultimate adventure.

Whether it was coaching

several sports Dylan was

involved in, playing base-

ball in the backyard,

cheering on their beloved

Vikings and Twins on TV

or in person, hunting,

fishing, playing cards, or

spending quality time to-

gether, Scott always put

Dylan’s needs before his

own. To Dylan, Scott was

not only a father, coach,

and mentor, but also a

best friend.

If you played in any

game or sport, you quick-

ly came to find that Scott

was a fierce competitor.

No one can testify to this

better than his younger

brother, Kevin. For Scott,

games against Kevin were

the World Series game

seven, bottom of the

ninth, bases juiced, down

by three, full count situa-

tions. They shared a com-

petitive analytical love for

games. Scott’s

pseudo-handyman talents

helped Kevin out of many

of sticky situations. Their

bond was undeniable and

filled many occasions

with their laughter and

love of all things sports.

Scott’s family includes:

Dylan, Stacy, Sandy (Al)

Lord, Kevin (Carla) Vigest-

ed, LeAnn (Paul) Siebert,

Darcy (Dan) Tolbert, Gale

(Kevin) Norton, Reese

(Camy) Norton, and Min-

dy Norton and numerous

other aunts, uncles,

cousins and furbabies.

These family members

provided Scott with

another source of pride

and joy-nieces and

nephews. Scott loved

watching as many of their

ball games and wrestling

matches as he could. He

also loved to take them

hunting and fishing. This

provided opportunities for

Scott to teach a “lesson.”

He loved making sure the

kids learned something

from their time together.

As Dylan got older,

Dylan’s friends, team-

mates and their families

became part of his life as

well. This ensured there

was always an abundance

of snacks, drinks and

games spent with Scott.

There weren’t many days

where at least one of the

friends and friend’s family

wasn’t at their house.

Scott loved it. Scott was

never at a loss for some-

one to talk to, shoot pool,

or hang out with and

those people were never

at a loss with Scott

around them.

From all of Scott’s fami-

ly and friends, please join

us for a Celebration of

Scott’s Life at the Moose

Lodge in Minot on Satur-

day, January 18, 2020, be-

ginning at 5:00 pm and

lasting until all of the

stories of Scott have been


In lieu of flowers or

plants, please help us to

keep Scott’s legend alive

and consider a donation

to the Magic City Youth

Baseball, Minot Cancer

Care Center, and Above

All Else, go be a competi-

tor, a teammate, or

someone’s biggest fan.

Those wishing to sign

the online register and

share memories may ac-

cess the online obituaries

section at www.thompson
