BLM seeks land nominations for recreation access
WASHINGTON – The Bureau of Land Management is seeking additional input on public lands that should be made more accessible for recreation.
Under the Dingell Act, the Department of the Interior is directed to ask for the public’s help nominating public lands that are ideal places to hunt, fish, ride, hike or play, but that have little or no existing public access. The American public has submitted more than 6,000 suggestions since 2020.
Lands nominated for the BLM Dingell Act Priority Access List must be managed by the BLM, encompass at least 640 contiguous acres and have significantly restricted or no public access. BLM would then attempt to improve access to these lands through the application of easements, rights-of-way, or land purchases from willing sellers. The agency considers the likelihood of resolving access issues before submitting nominations to Congress for funding consideration.
Contact the BLM for information on how to nominate land parcels. Nominations will be accepted until Aug. 30.