
AmeriCorps funds approved for region

Souris Basin Planning Council of Minot, which serves a seven-county area, was awarded $208,782 in federal AmeriCorps funding, according to the North Dakota Department of Commerce.

The award included $107,553 in matching funds for 24 AmeriCorps members to provide capacity building for local nonprofits.

SBPC was among seven programs in North Dakota receiving awards totaling $1.84 million.

Strengthen ND was awarded $808,570 in federal funds, of which $276,973 is matching funds for 110 AmeriCorps Members to provide capacity building for local nonprofits in the state.

Cooperstown Community Activities, Jamestown Parks and Recreation, Sanford in Dickinson, South East Education Cooperative Reading and Math Corps and South East Education Cooperative Educator Corps also received awards.

Since 1994 more than 2,500 North Dakota residents have served more than 2.8 million hours of community service in North Dakota. Additionally, AmeriCorps members leveraged additional volunteers who assisted AmeriCorps programs with sponsored activities and projects. It is expected that about 265 North Dakota residents will serve as AmeriCorps members during the 2024-25 program year.


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