
All Seasons’ expansion hinges on summer signups

BOTTINEAU – Rural residents and lake cabin owners in northeastern Bottineau County will need to make a decision by Aug. 31 about whether they want to bring rural water to their area.

Dan Schaefer, manager for All Seasons Water Users District, said signups have been slow since informational meetings were held last summer.

“We are looking at whether or not we even do a feasibility study come August, because the numbers just aren’t there yet,” he said.

Just over 300 subscribers from among 1,560 potential accounts in that area have indicated interest, he said. The area includes five townships with four lakes with cabins. The water users district estimates at least 750 signups are needed to go forward with a feasibility study.

Schaefer said residents have indicated they don’t need rural water because they have wells or reverse osmosis systems. Some cabin owners take water from the lake for uses other than drinking.

“My fear is that they’re just waiting to see what’s going to happen before they commit, and by that time, it will be too late,” he said. “It’s basically the only large area within our service area that we don’t have service too. That’s why we are offering it – to see if it is even feasible to do.”

Residents are being asked to pay $200 to sign up to provide resources for the planning and feasibility study. If the project doesn’t move to the feasibility study stage, they would receive most of those funds back. Residents won’t be asked for solid commitments until a feasibility study is completed and costs of participation are available.

Schaefer said construction costs have risen tremendously over the past four years and could continue to rise. The State Water Commission currently is offering a 75% cost-share program, but Schaefer noted continuation of that program is contingent upon future legislative action.

Information from the water district indicates the connection cost for new users would be $2,000. The anticipated monthly rate for the new area is $85-$100 for 5,000 gallons.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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