
Towner man injured in crash near Minot

Submitted Photo A dump truck hauling asphalt overturned when a tire blew out and it crashed off U.S. Highway 2, west of Minot, Tuesday. The driver was injured.

A Towner man was injured Tuesday when the dump truck he was driving west of Minot blew a tire and subsequently, went off the road and overturned.

According to the North Dakota Highway Patrol, about 10:42 a.m., Jeffrey Krout, 60, who was hauling a load of asphalt, was going west on U.S. Highway 2, about 16 miles west of Minot, when the dump truck’s front left steer tire blew out, causing the truck to enter the median and cross the eastbound lanes of Highway 2. The truck entered the south ditch and overturned. Krout was not wearing a seat belt, according to the Highway Patrol. He sustained serious injuries and was taken to Trinity Hospital, Minot.

Asphalt crews cleared the eastbound lanes, which were covered by asphalt.

The crash remains under investigation by the Highway Patrol.


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