
Dakota College announces 2024 commencement

BOTTINEAU – Dakota College at Bottineau will hold its 2024 commencement ceremony on Friday, May 10, at 3 p.m. in the gymnasium located in Thatcher Hall on the DCB campus.

This year, DCB has 24 Leading to Education and Advanced Preparation (LEAP) graduates. The LEAP program allows high school students to earn a certificate of college studies in conjunction with their high school diplomas. Five students are completing the LEAP Beyond with an associate of arts and associate of science degrees.

Area students who will be recognized at the commencement are:

Bottineau High School: Tallie Fedje, LEAP Beyond; Jules Gonitzke, LEAP Beyond; Alexis Hendrix, LEAP Certificate; Ella Keith, LEAP Certificate.

Glenburn High School: Andrew Young, LEAP Certificate.

Rugby High School: Sophia Oppen, LEAP Certificate.

South Prairie High School: Kassandra Anderson, LEAP Certificate and LEAP Beyond; Elora Bailey, LEAP Certificate; Taya Bearman, LEAP Certificate; Brenna Eberle, LEAP Certificate; Izabela Hoffman, LEAP Certificate; Eilas Jimenez, LEAP Beyond; Riley Johnson, LEAP Certificate; Jayla Kannianen, LEAP Certificate; Haley Trowbridge, LEAP Certificate.

TGU Towner High School: Morgan Takala, LEAP Certificate.


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