
Berthold students look to future

Reidun Askvig

BERTHOLD – Graduation from high school only starts a new phase of education for Berthold High School’s top seniors.

The graduation ceremony for Berthold High School will be at 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 19.

Reidun Askvig is one of three top students graduating. She is the daughter of Chastity and Maurice Askvig and plans to study communication sciences and disorders at Minot State University in the fall.

Throughout high school she has been involved in volleyball, basketball, track, high school rodeo, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and student council.

“Graduating high school is a bittersweet feeling. I am excited to move onto the next chapter of my life and continue to grow into my own person. However, I will miss Berthold High School and seeing my friends. I have developed many relationships here and will cherish them as I continue to make new ones. If I could go back in time and give my younger self advice, I would tell myself to not always expect perfection. I have found myself to be a perfectionist and I wish I would have been able to tell myself that making mistakes is a part of learning. Everyone makes mistakes and learning from those mistakes makes us better,” Askvig said.

Delaney Elberg

Mya Neshem, daughter of Keith and Amy Neshem, is set to attend North Dakota State University to study pharmacy to eventually become a pharmacist.

Throughout her high school career she has been involved with volleyball, basketball, softball, Future Business Leaders of America, band and school plays and musicals. Within her community, she is involved in her church’s Luther League, for which she volunteers and serves in the church.

“I have mixed emotions about graduating high school. I feel nervous about starting a new chapter in my life and leaving behind a place where I have been my whole life, but I am mostly excited about the future ahead of me,” Neshem said. “If I could give my younger self some advice, it would be to not worry so much about the little things as God has a plan for you and everything will work out how it is supposed to.”

Delaney Elberg, daughter of Jana and Andrew Elberg, is going to complete her generals at Minot State University but is undecided what she is going to major in.

She has been involved in golf and Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Bible study) and runs the computer at her church on Sundays.

Mya Neshem

“It feels nice to have this stage of my life behind me. I’m really excited to see where life takes me and what God has planned for my life. My favorite memories of high school would have to be forming real friendships and having conversations with my friends. I love having friends I can talk to about anything. Having this group of friends has provided me with a support group and long-lasting relationships that I can carry with me for the rest of my life,” Elberg said.

The graduates are: Peyton Alford, Reidun Askvig, Samuel Babinchak, Alexis Bauer, Eva Bourgeois, Cooper Bredahl, Gunnar Deaver, Delaney Elberg, Emma Elberg, Evelyn Lebrun, Jaden Metcalf, Baylie Michel, Kaleb Neshem, Mya Neshem, Mason Roark, Benit Sorenson and Mystika Wallace.

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