
Berthold graduate looks to future

Emma Elberg

BERTHOLD – Berthold High School graduate Emma Elberg walked the commencement stage Sunday and into the next phase of her life.

Elberg, daughter of Andrew and Jana Elberg, will be attending Minot State University this fall to complete her general education and will later enroll in an online program to become a nutrition counselor.

“I feel excited to start the next chapter of my life. I can’t wait to see what God has planned for me in the future and I know he will lead me through it all. I think I will miss being with my class the most, since we are all so close,” Elberg said.

She has been playing golf since seventh grade and is a leader at her church’s elementary program.

Her favorite memory of high school was a snowball fight that was held during her English class. She said she has enjoyed spending time with her friends and making strong connections that will last forever.

“I would tell my younger self to be who you are. Don’t worry about what other people think of you. Focus on doing your best and trying to be the light in someone’s day,” she said.

Editor’s note: Elberg was one of four valedictorians for Berthold High School’s 2024 graduating class. A full list of graduates was published in an earlier edition of The Minot Daily News.


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