
First Cowgirl Camp in Badlands scheduled

MEDORA — The Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation has announced the first annual Cowgirl Camp, set to take place from June 10-13 in the North Dakota Badlands. This camp is designed for girls ages 8-14.

The camp aims to introduce young girls to the magic of horse relationships while embracing the Code of the West. Participants will have the chance to learn the ABCs of horses, covering topics such as basic care, tack, groundwork and riding. No prior riding experience is required.

“Often Medora is the first place kids who don’t grow up on ranches get to experience the Western lifestyle through trail rides and carriage rides around town. This camp is focusing on making western horse experiences more accessible to young girls who love horses and want to gain knowledge and experience from real-life cowgirls,” said Clarence Sitter, chief operations officer for the foundation.


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