
Carpio proposes new wastewater treatment facility

CARPIO – A proposed wastewater treatment facility replacement project in Carpio will be able to move forward without further substantive environment review, the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality has determined.

The existing facility, installed in 1985, has exhausted its useful life and is showing severe signs of failure, according to the department. Buried metal tanks that make up the mechanical wastewater treatment system are significantly corroded and, in some cases, collapsed. The discharge pond also is showing signs of leakage.

The department noted the deteriorating condition of the existing facility reduces its ability to effectively treat the city’s wastewater and poses a risk to the surrounding environment, water supply and public health.

The proposed project will replace the existing facility with a new aerated wastewater stabilization pond system. The system will consist of two aerated basins, a settling basin and a treated wastewater holding pond. A new building will be constructed to hold the control systems, additional treatment equipment and ultraviolet disinfection.

The City of Carpio plans to apply for a Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan of $3.7 million to help finance the $5.2 million project.

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