
Missing Man table display erected

Submitted Photo Sonny Zuercher, Megan Jones, Isaac Delacruz, manager Jesse Nelson and Paul Barclay, from left to right, show off the display for those who died in service of their country at the Pizza Ranch in Minot.

A table at Minot’s Pizza Ranch has been reserved to honor missing comrades in arms, who served far from home and wrote blank checks to their country for an amount of up to and including their lives.

This table setting will be on display through Veterans Day on Nov. 11 as a reminder of the sacrifices of those who have served, are serving and who were lost in past wars.

On the table is a copy of a poem, “Unless You’ve Been A Soldier,” by Clive Sanders and an application form for mail donations. A glass block bank near the front of the restaurant, marked “Wreaths Across America – The Christmas They Never Had,” also has been set up to receive donations. For every $17 donation, a dog tag will be hung on the cherry blossom tree at the restaurant.


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