
Book pre-launch aims to engage public

Minot author takes humorous look at retirement

Even though things aren’t as sunny as we want them to be, there’s usually humor to be found if we look for it.

That’s how Minot’s Dennis Sommers approached his book, “Retirement? You Can’t HANDLE the Truth!,” which is scheduled for publication by New Degree Press in September.

Sommers, who treated an estimated 12,000 patients in his 40 years of orthodontic practice in Minot, retired in 2016 with great plans before life intervened with unexpected adventures. He decided if he can’t change life, he can at least get a chuckle out of it.

From golf escapades to memory lapses to navigating both the health-care system and holidays with family, Sommers writes from experience.

“The meat-and-potatoes of the book is that we probably spend a lot of time thinking about what retirement is going to be like and what we’re going to do. I thought I was going to be playing golf and I love to play tennis. I thought I’d probably continue those things and we would travel a little bit more. Then I had a pretty good run of incidents come along,” he said. “I’ve written these stories of things that have occurred with this humor lens.”

After all, Sommers says, Mayo Clinic reports that laughter can provide health benefits in fighting stress, reducing pain and guarding against depression. A humorous escape can be therapeutic given the accidents, family drama, medical conditions and constant reports of tensions over societal, environmental or political climates that try to steal the joyful bliss from retirement, he added.

“There is no shortage of material to educate Baby Boomers about when to start Social Security, manage Medicare supplements, how to invest nest eggs or where to find the best place to live in retirement. You’ll find none of that here. Instead, this book provides the sort of humorous insight necessary to manage frustrations after work days end. Prepare for an absurd analysis of retirement’s unexpected unpleasantries, challenges, aggravations and hair-raising family circumstances that throw a wrench into life. There are plenty of them. Take it from me. I have relatives,” Sommers writes in describing the book of essays he has been compiling since 2016.

“The hard work started about six months ago to take those stories and a few new ones that have come along the way and polish them up,” he said.

He has been working with Minot artist Vern Skaug on the book cover.

Sommers and his publisher have developed a pre-launch effort in hopes of reconnecting with former patients and others he met during his work years and hearing their stories in return. In addition to pre-ordering a book, including signed or multiple copies, people can participate in helping select the book cover, providing feedback on pre-print revisions, engaging with updates on his publishing journey, becoming a collaborator on future projects or sharing a personal phone call to visit about their own interests in book publishing.

Participate by going to indiegogo.com and entering a search for Dennis Sommers. Insights into the book also can be gained by watching Sommers’ video at https://youtu.be/zrp4rRoh7_s.

Any book proceeds beyond expenses related to publication will be donated to support Minot’s area food pantries and homeless shelters as well as the American Red Cross.

The book will be available this fall from online and local book retailers.

Sommers and his wife, Rita, spend winters in Arizona but still call Minot home.


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