
April average temp below long-term average

The past month of April had an average temperature of 38.8 degrees – 1.7 degrees below the 114-year, long-term average of 40.5 degrees, according to Austin Kraklau of the North Central Research Extension Center, south of Minot.

He said the lowest temperature of the month was 8 degrees on April 1. The high temperature was 73 degrees on April 4.

“The total moisture for the month was 0.95 inches, which is 0.9 inches below the longer-term average of 1.45 inches,” Kraklau said. “The total snowfall for the month was 4 inches, which is 0.2 inches above the long-term average of 3.8 inches.”

The National Weather Service is forecasting mostly sunny weather today with a high temperature of 59 degrees. Tonight and Wednesday there’s a chance of rain/snow, then Thursday and Friday sunny or mostly sunny with temperatures in the low 60s.

– Eloise Ogden


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