
February temps below long-term average

The past month of February had an average temperature of 2.4 degrees.

Austin Kraklau of the North Central Research Extension Center, south of Minot, said this was 9.6 degrees below the 114-year long-term average of 12.0 degrees.

“Our lowest temperature of the month was -33 degrees which occurred on February 13th. The high was 46 degrees which occurred on the 23rd,” Kraklau said. He said the total moisture for the month was 0.48 inches which is 0.02 inches below the long-term average of 0.50 inches.

“The total snowfall for the month was 5.1 inches which is 0.7 inches below the long-term average of 5.8 inches,” according to Kraklau.

This week’s daytime temperatures will be in the high 40s and into the 50s, then on Saturday even reaching 60, according to the National Weather Service.

– Eloise Ogden


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