
Two receive Lions highest award

Brad Thomas, Minot, center, received the Melvin Jones Humanitarian Services Award for his long-time service to the Minot Lions Club. The award is the highest available for a Lions member. Thomas has been a member of the Minot Lions for 33 years and chairman of the Eyeglasses and Eye Exam Committee for 24 years. He has also served on the club’s Board of Directors and been actively involved in numerous fundraising projects. Also pictured, left to right are Lions president Jacob Thrailkill, past president Al McGeough, Thomas, wife Jackie Thomas and vice president Kristin Michels. Submitted Photo
Receiving the Melvin Jones Humanitarian Services Award from the Minot Lions Club in late 2018 was Tom Probst. Probst was honored for more than 50 years of involvement in Minot Lions. He is a past-president and has served on the club’s board of directors. Pictured here, left to right are Mary Probst, husband Tom, Lions District Governor Ginney Jones and Denise Lindbo, Minot Lions. Submitted Photo


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