
Public Agendas week of Aug. 5

Minot City Council

When: Monday, 5:30 p.m.

Where: Minot City Hall, council chambers, 10 3rd Ave. SW

Agenda: The council will discuss eminent domain proceedings, a downtown railroad quiet zone, wildlife hazard removal and drainage improvements at the airport, a regional storage facility for carbon dioxide used in water treatment, engineering contract amendment on an environmental study of the Logistics Park, the downtown ornamental lighting ordinance and an ordinance update related to pawn and secondhand dealers. The Minot Area Council of the Arts will present on its programs and the 2025 budget will be discussed. Public hearings will be held on the Community Development Block Grant Consolidated Plan and on two requests to move structures.

How to make your opinion known: Meetings are open to the public. Council members are Mayor Tom Ross, Paul Pitner, Rob Fuller, Lisa Olson, Mike Blessum, Mark Jantzer and Scott Samuelson.

Ward County Commission

When: Tuesday, 9 a.m.

Where: Ward County Administration Building, commission chambers

Agenda: The commission will consider outlot plat requests, state funding to pave County Road 14, proposals for recruitment services for an assistant engineer, a request to hunt on county-owned land and the 2025 preliminary budget.

How to make your opinion known: Meetings are open to the public. Members are Chairman John Fjeldahl, Shelly Weppler, Jim Rostad, Howard “Bucky” Anderson and Jason Olson.

Minot Planning Commission

When: Tuesday, 5:30 p.m.

Where: Minot City Hall, council chambers, 10 3rd Ave. SW, or City of Minot’s YouTube channel

Agenda: The commission will consider a major subdivision preliminary plat at 46th Avenue and 42nd Street Northeast. It will consider approval of a site master plan so an accessory structure can be constructed within the public works complex for sale and sand storage. It will hold a public hearing on request from Endeavor Sober Living for a conditional use permit for a group home in a refurbished apartment building in southwest Minot and a public hearing on a preliminary plat request and zone change from commercial to light industrial on farmed land in Great Plains Addition.

How to make your opinion known: Meetings are open to the public. Commission members are Chairman Dustin Offerdahl, Logan Longtin, Annette Mennem, Kayla Johnson, Tim Baumann, Erin Iverson,Serena Pontenila, Elisha Gates, Dale Dohms and Robert Kibler.

Ward County Planning Commission

When: Thursday, 6 p.m.

Where: Ward County Administrative Building, second floor break room

Agenda: The commission will discuss the proposed zoning ordinance draft.

How to make your opinion known: Meetings are open to the public. Commissioners are Chairman Marvin Heller, Howard “Bucky” Anderson, John Fjeldahl, Scott Samuelson, Rob Fuller, Crystal Hendrickson, Robert Kibler, Jay Livingston and Mark Schumaker.


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