
Public Agendas week of June 3

Minot City Council

When: Monday, 5:30 p.m.

Where: Minot City Hall, council chambers, 10 3rd Ave. SW

Agenda: The council will consider release of certain executive session recordings and will hear presentations from community organizations seeking to be included in the city budget for contributions.

How to make your opinion known: Meetings are open to the public. Council members are Mayor Tom Ross, Paul Pitner, Stephan Podrygula, Lisa Olson, Carrie Evans, Mark Jantzer and Scott Burlingame.

Minot Planning Commission

When: Tuesday, 5:30 p.m.

Where: Minot City Hall, council chambers, 10 3rd Ave. SW, or City of Minot’s YouTube channel

Agenda: The commission will hold public hearings on a request for a permit for a pet boarding facility at 1821 W. Burdick Expressway and a variance from buffer and landscaping requirements for Popeyes.

How to make your opinion known: Meetings are open to the public. Commission members are Chairman Dustin Offerdahl, Logan Longtin, Annette Mennem, Tim Baumann, Aaron Faken, Justin Hochhalter, Erin Iverson,Serena Pontenila, Elisha Gates, Shane Lider, Tammy Nesdahl, Dale Dohms and Robert Kibler.

Ward County Commission

When: Tuesday, 9 a.m.

Where: Ward County Administration Building, commission chambers

Agenda: The commission will hold a public hearing on a right-of-way vacation and consider plat applications. Minot AFB is requesting to add to its Transporter-Erector Routes.

How to make your opinion known: Meetings are open to the public. Members are Chairman John Fjeldahl, Shelly Weppler, Jim Rostad, Howard “Bucky” Anderson and Jason Olson.


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