
North Central District Court

Ward County

Aug. 5

Brett James Chandler, 56, Minot, drove or in actual physician control of motor vehicle (Class B misdemeanor), chemical dependency evaluation and victim impact panel, $750 in court fines and fees.

Logan Dale Crowe, 22, Minot, DUI-.08% or greater-intoxicating liquor-first offense (Class B misdemeanor), chemical dependency evaluation and victim impact panel, $750 in court fines and fees.

Sunshine Drader, 24, Granville, driving under suspension (Class B misdemeanor), $550 in court fines and fees.

Trey Fredman Steve Everett, 24, Garrison, possession of controlled substance-marijuana-at least half an ounce but less than 500 grams (Class B misdemeanor), $450 in court fines and fees.

Rhett Franklin Hoffer, 21, Glendive, Mont., deliver to certain persons unlawful (Class A misdemeanor), deferred imposition of sentence, $525 in court fines and fees; possession of controlled substance-tetrahydrocannabinol-less than two grams (infraction) $100 in court fines and fees.

Joseph Kendall, 25, Minot, driving under suspension (Class B misdemeanor), $350 in court fines and fees.

Eric Anthony Delonais, 38, Minot, refusal to halt (Class B misdemeanor), $425 in court fines and fees.

Lynn Wilson Jerauld, 20, Minot, five counts of simple assault (Class B misdemeanor), 30 days in the Ward County Jail, credit for 30 days served, 360 days of unsupervised probation, must have no contact with five victims, $676.46 in restitution, $250 in court fines and fees.

Ty Valetino Lawler, 19, Minot, prohibited alterations on firearms (Class A misdemeanor), 360 days in the Ward County Jail, first serve one day with credit for one day served, 6 months of unsupervised probation, $325 in court fines and fees.

Abigail Ahren Sundley, 20, Battleview, reproducing/altering driver’s license (Class B misdemeanor), $425 in court fines and fees; consumption or possession of alcohol by person under 21-general (infraction), attend MIP/alcohol and drug class, $100 in court fines and fees.

Mountrail County

Aug. 6

Dondarro Jimmell Watts, 35, Bismarck, fleeing a peace officer-vehicle (Class A misdemeanor), 360 days in the Burleigh Morton Detention Center, first serve 30 days with credit for nine days, concurrent with prior disposition, 360 days of unsupervised probation, $1,075 in court fines and fees.


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