

May 5: daughter to Mckenzie Sillman Manurness, Leeds.

May 7: daughter to Rachael and Kyle Forsman, Minot.

May 8: daughter to Ciera Wahus and Keagan Christenson, Minot; daughter to Brandy Severson and Jonas Krueger, Douglas.

May 9: son to Krystal and Damian Anderson, Burlington; daughter to Heather Vanderhoff and Adrian Bartsch, Bottineau.

May 10: daughter to Allison and Dano Fagerlund, Minot.

May 11: son to Tonya and Ian Sipple, Minot.

May 14: daughter to Hannah Iverson and Tim Hase, Minot; daughter to Olivia and Garon Daily, Minot Air Force Base; son to Kaitlyn and Kristopher Trone, Minot.


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