
Celebrating Syttende Mai

Jill Schramm/MDN A little soggy weather can’t stop the celebration. Members of Minot’s Sons of Norway and others looking to celebrate their Norwegian heritage wave flags as they walk at the Scandinavian Heritage Park on Wednesday in observance of Syttende Mai. Syttende Mai, or Constitution Day, on May 17 is the national day of Norway and is an official public holiday, much like July 4 in the United States. Parades and the wearing of traditional garments are common throughout Norway on this day. It’s a time to celebrate freedom with family and friends, explained Martha Elliott, one of the event organizers. The observance included a lunch with ice cream sundaes, which are a Syttende Mai tradition in Norway, and hot dogs wrapped in lefse.
Jill Schramm/MDN Gathered in the Scandinavian Heritage Center to celebrate Syttende Mai are, left to right: front, Curt Medalen, Bella Ness, Jan Ness holding Marla Ness, Elsie Ness; back, Lars Werer, Martha Elliott, Julie King, Rochelle Swinson and Loren Ness. Inclement weather drove much of the celebratory activity indoors Wednesday.


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