
Legal Notices 12-18

Minutes of the Board of Ward

County Commissioners

December 1, 2020

The regular meeting of the Ward

County Commission was called to

order by County Auditor Marisa Ha-

man at 9:10 AM with Commission-

ers, Anderson, Fjeldahl, Pietsch,

Rostad (via telephone), and Weppler

present. Also present were depart-

ment heads Bradley Starnes, Dana

Larsen, Jason Blowers, Jennifer

Wiechmann, Kerrianne Boetcher,

Kristin Kowalczyk, Leona

Lochthowe, Marisa Haman, Melissa

Bliss, Robert Roed and Tammy Ter-


Auditor/Treasurer Marisa Haman

opened the nominations for Chair-

man, Comm. Weppler nominated

Comm. Rostad and Comm. Pietsch

nominated Comm. Fjeldahl. Moved

by Comm. Anderson, seconded by

Comm. Pietsch for nominations to

cease. The Commissioners cast

private ballots. Ms. Haman tallied

the votes 3 votes Comm. Fjeldahl, 2

votes Comm. Rostad. Ms. Haman

passed the gavel to Chairman Fjel-


Chairman Fjeldahl opened nomina-

tions for Vice-Chairman. Comm.

Weppler nominated Comm. Rostad.

Moved by Comm. Anderson,

seconded by Comm. Pietsch for

nominations to cease with unani-

mous ballot cast for Comm. Rostad.

All voted aye; motion carried.

Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Pietsch to approve the

agenda. Roll call; all voted yes; mo-

tion carried.

Moved by Comm. Pietsch, second-

ed by Comm. Weppler to approve

the minutes of the regular Commis-

sion meeting on November 17, 2020

and special Commission meeting on

November 19, 2020. Roll call; all

voted yes; motion carried.

Moved by Comm. Anderson,

seconded by Comm. Weppler to ap-

prove the regular bills totaling

$229,999.22 and Human Service

Zone direct cost bills totaling

$6,694.54. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried.

Human Service Zone Director Melis-

sa Bliss appeared requesting appro-

val of the Human Service Zone Plan

and Human Service Zone Human

Resource Policy Manual Adden-


Moved by Comm. Pietsch, second-

ed by Comm. Rostad to approve the

Human Service Zone Plan. Roll call;

all voted yes; motion carried.

Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Rostad to approve the

Human Service Zone Human

Resource Policy Manual Adden-

dums. Roll call; all voted yes; motion


Facilities Management Director Leo-

na Lochthowe appeared requesting

approval for the Commission to have

the Chairman sign the application for

Court Facilities Improvement and

Maintenance Grant. The amount of

the grant being requested is

$27,979.00 for window coverings

and carpet in a judge’s room with

County contribution of $7,495.00.

Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Pietsch to approve

and have the chairman sign the

Court Facilities Improvement and

Maintenance Grant. Roll call; all vot-

ed yes; motion carried.

Director of Tax Equalization Noreen

Barton appeared requesting the

Commission rescind the motion from

November 17, 2020 meeting regard-

ing the tax roll adjustments for Hu-

dye Group LP parcels for 2018,

2019 and 2020 property values. City

of Minot Assessor Ryan Kamrowski

stated the property owner denied the

adjustments the city recommended

for the property values and submit-

ted an abatement application re-

questing the values be lower than

the recommended values.

Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Pietsch to rescind the

motion from November 17, 2020

meeting regarding the tax roll adjust-

ments for Hudye Group LP parcels

for 2018, 2019 and 2020 property

values. Roll call; all voted yes; mo-

tion carried.

Planning and Zoning Administrator

Doug Diedrichsen appeared with

two plat applications for the

Commission’s approval.

Rodney Nickel submitted a plat ap-

plication for the following described

property: Proposed Outlot 3 SENE,

section 15-156-81. The applicant is

proposing to parcel Outlot 3 a

11.94-acre parcel. This outlot is for

future residential purposes. Mary-

land Township zoning applies with

no final recommendation from the

township. The proposed outlot

meets minimum zoning require-

ments for Ward County. Planning

and Zoning Commission recom-

mends approval based on finding of

facts and staff recommendations.

Moved by Comm. Pietsch, second-

ed by Comm. Weppler to approve

the plat application for Rodney Nick-

el contingent on Maryland Township

approval or the expiration of the re-

quired time for township recommen-

dations. Roll call; all voted yes; mo-

tion carried.

Keith Hegney submitted a plat ap-

plication for the following described

property: Proposed Outlot 2 lying in

the NWNW and NENW, section

11-155-81. The applicant is propos-

ing to parcel Outlot 2 a 4.98-acre

parcel. This outlot is for future

residential purposes. Surrey Town-

ship zoning applies with the town-

ship recommending approval. The

proposed outlot meets the minimum

zoning requirements in Surrey

Township. Planning and Zoning

Commission recommends approval

based on finding of facts and staff


Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Pietsch to approve the

plat application for Keith Hegney

based on Planning and Zoning Com-

mission and Surrey Township’s

recommendation. Roll call; all voted

yes; motion carried.

Mr. Diedrichsen continued with an

update regarding the County Zoning


County Highway Engineer Dana Lar-

sen appeared with several agenda

items for discussion. The first item is

a Resolution for the Bridge Bundling

projects BRR-0051(053) and

BRO-0051(054) within Ward County.

The project consists of replacing

three bridge structures within Ward

County. The project was bid on No-

vember 13, 2020 and the low bidder

is Gladen Construction Inc. in the

amount of $2,181,239.13.

Moved by Comm. Pietsch, second-

ed by Comm. Weppler to approve

the resolution to award Gladen Con-

struction Inc. the contract for pro-

jects BRR-0051(053) and

BRO-0051(054) and authorize the

chairman to sign contract. Roll call;

all vote yes; motion carried.

Mr. Larsen continued with informing

the Commission they will be inter-

viewing for preliminary engineering

for the bridge design for the Velva

Township bridge and for construc-

tion engineering for the Bridge Bun-

dling project. Interviews have been

scheduled for five engineering com-

panies on Wednesday, December 9,


Mr. Larsen requested approval of

the Resolution for the Minuteman

Missile Complex and Aggregate

Surfacing project. The project con-

sists of 48 miles of aggregate sur-

facing within Bottineau, McHenry,

McLean, Mountrail, Renville and

Ward Counties; 3 miles of the 48

miles are within Ward County. This

project has no cost share and is be-

ing funded by the DOD.

Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Anderson to approve

the Resolution to award WM D

Scepaniak Inc. the contract for pro-

ject ROM-0300(144) and authorize

the chairman to sign contract. Roll

call; all voted yes; motion carried.

Mr. Larsen requested permission to

purchase two John Deere 722 GP

motorgraders and one John Deere

872 GP motorgrader on a 6-year

cost of ownership. The pricing for

the motorgraders is from the Min-

nesota Cooperative Purchasing

Agreement through Source Well.

The total cost of ownership covers

all repair costs during the 6 years

and guarantees a buy back price.

RDO in Minot will be the local dealer

and will do all warranty work on the


Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Pietsch to approve the

purchase of two John Deere 722 GP

motorgraders and one John Deere

872 GP motorgrader. The total cost

of purchasing the motorgraders is

$1,203,517.00 minus the guaranteed

by back of $515,946.00 for a total

purchase price of $687,571.00. Roll

call; all voted yes; motion carried.

Mr. Larsen’s final item is a request

to purchase a 15-foot rotary mower

and a flex arm. The mower will be

purchased from Butler Machinery for

a total price of $46,017.20.

Moved by Comm. Pietsch, second-

ed by Comm. Rostad to approve the

purchasing of the Schulte 15-foot

mower for $27,090.64 and the Flex

Arm for $18,926.56; total purchasing

price of $46,017.20 from Butler

Machinery. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried.

Human Resource Director Tammy

Terras appeared with payroll

amendments for Commission ap-


Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Pietsch to approve the

following payroll amendments: H.

Anderson- Commission; D. Florey-

Sheriff/Jail. Roll call; all voted yes;

motion carried.

Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Rostad to approve

County Commission meetings for

2021 be held on the first and third

Tuesday of each month at 9:00 am.

Roll call; all voted yes; motion car-


Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Anderson to approve

County Commission meetings the

Following Wednesday for 2021

meetings that fall on legal holidays;

1st Tuesday in June Board of Equal-

ization meeting and a date to be

determined for annual County Budg-

et meeting; Special and emergency

meeting to be designated in ad-

vance as needed. Roll call; all voted

yes; motion carried.

Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Pietsch to authorize Chairman

Fjeldahl to sign notice of 2021 meet-

ings and agenda. Roll call; all voted

yes; motion carried.

Chairman Fjeldahl asked the com-

missioners to give him their requests

for appointment of commissioners to

other boards and he will have it on

the next meeting’s agenda for ap-


Auditor/Treasurer Marisa Haman ap-


Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Rostad to receive and

file the correspondence from the

Public Service Commission Regard-

ing Cenex Pipeline, LLC. Roll call;

all voted yes; motion carried.

Ms. Haman requested clarification

from the Commission regarding

County Insurance agent. Comm.

Rostad stated his intent was not to

make anything mandatory and for

the County to consider changing in-

surance agents every three to five


Ms. Haman continued with a request

for preapproval permission to pay

Wex Bank invoices. The Highway

Department is receiving a discount

of $.18/gallon through Exxon Mobil

and in order to receive the discount

a fuel card through Wex Bank needs

to be used. Wex Bank’s invoicing

falls between Commission meetings

to ensure payment is made in a

timely manner Ms. Haman request-

ed permission for preapproval of

these charges.

Moved by Comm. Weppler, second-

ed by Comm. Anderson to approve

Ms. Haman’s request and authorize

preapproval to pay Wex Bank in-

voices. Roll call; all voted yes; mo-

tion carried.

Moved by Comm. Pietsch, second-

ed by Comm. Anderson to approve

the raffle permit for Gasmann

Coulee Cruisers. Roll call; all voted

yes; motion carried.

At 10:42 AM with no further busi-

ness, the meeting was adjourned.

(December 18, 2020)





Notice is hereby given that the City

Council of the City of Sawyer, North

Dakota, will hold a Public Hearing on

Monday January 11th, 2021 to adopt

the final passage of Ordinance Sub-

section No. 3.0216-1 entitled:


ITS. This ordinance sub-section is

for the purpose of detailing parking

restrictions along narrow roadways

and in other situations. A copy of

the proposed sub-section to the ordi-

nance is available at the office of the

City Auditor by appointment.

The penalty clause of the ordinance

reads as follows: 3.0216.1-H. Penal-

ty: Any vehicle parked in violation of

this Section shall be declared to be

an unauthorized vehicle and subject

to 1) A fine of seventy-five dollars

($75.00) per occurance against the

registered owner of any vehicle

parked in violation of any parking re-

gulations. 2) Provided further, at the

direction of the Sawyer City Council

or a public law official having jurisd-

iction over the public property, any

vehicle in violation of parking regula-

tions may also be towed and im-

mediately impounded in addition to,

or as an alternative to issuance of

the aforementioned fine. Towing and

impoundment fees will be the

responsibility of the registered vehi-

cle owner. BY ORDER OF THE



Reamann- Mayor, Susan Schmidt

-City Auditor

(December 18, 2020)









Notice is hereby given that the North

Dakota Department of Environmen-

tal Quality (NDDEQ) will hold a pub-

lic hearing at 11:00 a.m. on January

6, 2021, at the Environmental Train-

ing Center, 2639 East Main Avenue,

Bismarck, North Dakota.

The purpose of the hearing will be to

present the draft fiscal year 2021 In-

tended Use Plan and Project Priority

List developed by the NDDEQ as

part of the Clean Water State Re-

volving Loan Fund (CWSRF) Pro-

gram. The CWSRF Program was

established by the Clean Water Act

(CWA) Amendments of 1987 to help

communities finance the costs of

wastewater treatment and other wa-

ter pollution control improvements

needed to achieve or maintain CWA


All interested parties are invited to

appear and present comments. Writ-

ten comments also may be mailed

to the NDDEQ, Division of Municipal

Facilities, 918 East Divide Avenue,

3rd Floor, Bismarck, ND

58501-1947, or emailed to

ndsrf@nd.gov. Comments must be

received by February 12, 2020 to be


Copies of the draft Project Priority

List and Intended Use Plan are

available upon request by writing to

the above address or by calling

701-328-5211. The current Intended

Use Plan and Priority List are avail-

able for viewing at


If you plan to attend the public hear-

ing and need special facilities or as-

sistance relating to a disability,

please contact the division at the

above telephone number or address

at least one day prior to the hearing.

Dated this 14th day of December


David J. Bruschwein, P.E. Director

Division of Municipal Facilities


The Burlington Planning Commis-

sion will hold a public hearing on

Dec 22 @ 5pm at Burlington City

Hall, 225 Wallace St. At the meeting

the following public hearing will be

opened. Request by Jacquelyn Orte-

ga to combine Lots 4A & 4B, Lots

5A & 5B and Lots 6A & 6B Heights

Avenue. This property is located

within the Burlington City Limits.

Mary Lynn Brooks, Auditor

(December 18, 2020)


The City Clerk of the City of Minot

will receive sealed bids at her office

at City Hall, 515 2nd Ave. SW or by

mailing to City Clerk, PO Box 5006,

Minot, ND 58702 until 11:00 a.m. on

Tuesday, December 29, 2020 for

furnishing the City of Minot the fol-


All labor, materials, and

equipment to replace existing

cooling tower and add heat

exchanger, pumps and glycol to

heating/cooling system.

Specifications and general instruc-

tions to bidders are available in the

Public Works Office at 1025 31st St.

SE. by contacting Public Works at

701-857-4140 or on the City’s web-

site at www.minotnd.org under City

Clerk Department.

The bid envelope will be plainly


“Bid for One Public Works Heat

Exchanger and Cooling Tower”

“Project # 4444”

The City Council of the City of Minot

reserves the right to reject any or all

bids and to award the contract as it

deems to be in the best interest of

the City of Minot. Each bid must be

accompanied by a bidder’s bond, a

certified check, or a cashier’s check

in the amount of five percent (5%) of

the bid and must be in a separate

envelope marked “bid bond” and at-

tached to the outside bid.

Bidders are invited to be present at

the City Clerk’s office for the open-

ing of bids.

Kelly Matalka

City Clerk

(December 11-18, 2020)


Case No. 51-2020-PR-00204




In the Matter of the Estate of

Marion Pauline Quick, a/k/a Marion

Paulina Quick, Deceased.


the undersigned have been appoint-

ed co-personal representatives of

the above estate. All persons having

claims against the said deceased

are required to present their claims

within three (3) months after the date

of the first publication or mailing of

this notice or said claims will be for-

ever barred. Claims must either be

presented to Gae Avers, and Kelly

Beecham, co-personal representa-

tives of the above-named estate, in

care of Louser & Zent, P.C., Town &

Country Center, 1015 South Broad-

way, Suite 15, Minot, North Dakota

58701, or filed with the Court.

Dated this 20th day of November,


/s/Gae Avers

Gae Avers

1024 Eigth Street Southeast

Minot, ND 58701

/s/Kelly Beecham

Kelly Beecham

131 South G Street, Apt. 2

Lompoc, CA 93436

Diane R. Louser (ID#03882)


Town & Country Center

1015 South Broadway – Suite 15

Minot, ND 58701

Telephone No. (701) 837-4846

Attorneys for the Co-Personal


(December 4-11-18, 2020)


Probate No. 51-2020-PR-210

In the District Court, State of North

Dakota, County of Ward, North

Central Judicial District

In the Matter of the Estate of

Roger C. Cilke, Deceased


David Leite has been appointed per-

sonal representative of the Estate of

Roger C. Cilke. All persons having

claims against Roger C. Cilke are

required to present their claims

within three (3) months after the date

of the first publication of this notice

or said claims will be forever barred.

Claims must either be presented to

David Leite, personal representative

of the estate, at 2 11th Ave., Minot,

ND 58703, or filed with the Court.

Dated this 1st day of December,


David Leite

Personal Representative

(December 4-11-18, 2020)


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