
Legla Notices 5-16





AIP NO. 3-38-0071-015-2020


Notice is hereby given, that sealed

bids will be received for the “Snow

Removal Equipment (SRE)” project

at the Harvey Municipal Airport, in

Harvey, North Dakota. Bids will be

received by the Harvey Municipal

Airport Authority, at theoffice of

Interstate Engineering, 1903 12th

Avenue S.W., Jamestown, North

Dakota 58402, no later than 3:30

PM (CT) on Wednesday, May 27,

2020, and then at said office all bids

properly submitted will be publicly

opened and read aloud, via Team

Video Conference. Call information:

605-305-4276, ID: 341 569 249#.

The bid documents are to be mailed

or delivered to Interstate Engineer-

ing, P.O. Box 2035, 1903 12th Ave-

nue S.W., Jamestown, North Dakota

58402. Digital copies of the Bidding

Documents are available at

www.interstateeng.com or

www.questcdn.com for a fee of

$20.00. These documents may be

downloaded by selecting this project

from the “Bid Documents” tab and

by entering Quest Project Number

7046477on the “Search Projects”

page. For assistance and free

membership registration, contact

QuestCDN at (952) 233-1632 or

info.questcdn.com. Paper copies of

the Bidding Documents may be ob-

tained from Docunet Corp. located

at 2435 Xenium Lane North, Ply-

mouth, MN 55441, phone (763)

475-9600, for a fee of $70.00 per

set. The bidding and contract docu-

ments may also be examined at the

Interstate Engineering offices locat-

ed at 1903 12th Ave. S.W., James-

town, North Dakota. Any technical

questions may be directed to Steve

Aldinger PE at (701) 320-4290 or

Veronica Meyer at (701) 509-4922.

The project will consist of: – Purchase

a 180 hp tractor, loader with bucket

and front mount rotary plow. (Base

Bid). – Purchase a front mount

10-foot blade. (Alternate #1). – Pur-

chase a front mount 8-foot sweeper.

(Alternate #2). – Tractor with loader

and bucket trade-in (Alternate $3). –

Rotary Plow Trade-In (Alternate #4).

– Blade Trade-in (Alternate #5). –

Sweeper Trade-In (Alternate #6).

Each bid will be submitted on the

basis of a cash payment for work. It

will be enclosed in a sealed en-

velope addressed to the

above-mentioned Airport Authority

and shall be designated that the bid

is for “Snow Removal Equipment

(SRE)”. The bid shall be accom-

panied by a separate envelope con-

taining a Bidder’s Bond in the

amount of five (5%) of the bid, exe-

cuted by the Bidder as Principal and

by a Surety Company authorized to

do business in this State. If the

Principal’s Bid is accepted by the

Airport Authority and the contract

awarded to him, he, within ten (10)

days after the Notice of Award, will

execute and affect a contract in ac-

cordance with the terms of his bid.

A Contractor’s Bond as required by

Section 48-01.2-10 of the North

Dakota Century Code will be includ-

ed with the executed Contract Docu-

ments. The Bid Security shall be as

required in Section 48-01.2-05 of the

North Dakota Century Code. All

bidders must be licensed for the

highest amount of their bids, as pro-

vided by Section 43- 07- 05 of the

North Dakota Century Code and a

copy of the license or certificate of

renewal thereof issued shall be en-

closedin the required bid bond en-

velope. No bid will be read or con-

sidered which does not fully comply

with the above provisions as to Bond

and Licenses, and any deficient bid

submitted will be resealed and re-

turned to the Bidder immediately.

The Harvey Municipal Airport Au-

thorityretains the right to reject any

or all of the bids submit ted and to

waive any informality in any bid and

to hold all bids for a period not to

exceed thirty (30) days and to hold

the three low bids and bid securities

for a period not to exceed sixty (60)

days from the date of bid opening.

The successful bidder will be re-

quired to comply with all applicable

Federal Labor Laws, including

minimum wage rate decisions of the

United States Department of Labor,

which are contained in the adver-

tised specifications. Bidders and

sub-bidders are required to comply

with Title 29, Code of Federal Regu-

lations (1518, 36 F.R. 7340) promul-

gated by the United States Secre-

tary of Labor, in accordance with

Section 107 of the contract work

hours and safety standards act, (82

Stat. 96) not requiring any laborer or

mechanic to work in surroundings or

under working conditions which are

unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous

to their health and safety. The Har-

vey Municipal Airport Authority,in ac-

cordance with the provisions of Title

VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78

Stat. 252, 42 USC ’’ 2000d to

2000d-4) and the Regulations, here-

by notifies all bidders or offerors that

it will affirmatively ensure that any

contract entered into pursuant to this

advertisement, disadvantaged busi-

ness enterprises will be afforded full

and fair opportunity to submit bids in

response to this invitation and will

not be discriminated against on the

grounds of race, color, or national

origin in consideration for an award.

A Contractor having 50 or more em-

ployees who may be awarded a con-

tract of $50,000 or more and sub-

contractors having 50 or more em-

ployees and who may be awarded a

subcontract of $50,000 or more will

be required to maintain an affirma-

tive action program, the standards

for which are contained in the adver-

tised specifications. (41 CFR

60-1.40). Contractor will be required

to submit a certification of

non-segregated facilities from all

subcontractors for subcontracts

exceeding $10,000.00. Contractors

are subject to the Requirement for

Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal

Employment Opportunity (Executive

Order 11246, as amended), provi-

sions of which are contained in the

advertised specifications. Contrac-

tors are subject to the provisions of

49 CFR Part 30, Denial of Public

Works Contracts to suppliers of

Goods and Services of Countries

that Deny Procurement market Ac-

cess to U.S. Contractors. Contrac-

tors are subject to the provisions of

49 USC ’ 50101, which provides

that Federal funds may not be obli-

gated unless all steel and manufac-

tured goods used in AIP funded pro-

jects are produced in the United

States, unless the Federal Aviation

Administration has issued a waiver

for the product; the product is listed

as an Excepted Article, Material Or

Supply in Federal Acquisition Regu-

lation subpart 25.108; or is included

in the FAA Nationwide Buy Ameri-

can Waivers Issued list. A bidder or

offeror must complete and submit

the Buy American certification in-

cluded herein with their bid or offer.

The Owner will reject as nonrespon-

sive any bid or offer that does not in-

clude a completed Certificate of Buy

American Compliance. The work on

the improvements is to commence

upon a date to be specified by the

Airport Authority, notice of which will

be given to the suc cessful bidder

ten (10) days in advance of start of

construc tion. The proposed equip-

ment shall be delivered to the Har-

vey Municipal Airport no later than

November 1, 2020.

Shari Nyhus – Manager/Chairperson

Dated this 28th day of April, 2020.

(May 2-9-16, 2020)

Burlington City Council meeting

April 6, 2020

Present: J Kabanuk, R Kremer, J

Cannon, J Anderson, S Skees, L

Brooks, K Crabb, T Pasterz, J Casa-

vant, P Samson, M Glines, P

Engeldinger, D Jespersen, T Mur-

ray, J Able & S Mahoney. Absent: D

Griffis & S Schwandt. Cannon

moved to approve March 2020

minutes, Kremer second, motion

carried. Kremer moved to approve

payroll and bills, Cannon second

motion carried. T Murray appeared

asking about chickens in the city lim-

its. M Glines read ordinance 8-106

where it states no fowl is permitted.

Kremer moved to authorize the

Ward County Contract with the Pol-

ice Dept., Cannon second, motion

carried. Cannon moved to give Off-

icer Pasterz a raise to $30 per hour

beginning May 1, 20,Skees second,

motion carried. Kremer reminded

council to keep in mind future raises.

Engineer’s Report: C Hoff sent an

email wanting to know if he can re-

side his house due to hail. The email

was sent to legal counsel.

Schloesser will excavate after the

frost is out, Police will do random

checks on the Schloesser property.

Anderson moved to pay Stemen

Drive SID, Cannon second, motion

carried. Casavant asked about a

No-Outlet or Dead End sign for Lara

Ln and Grayson Dr ,Cannon moved

to approve, Kremer second, motion

carried. Kremer moved on the1st

reading Jespersen’s request for re-

zoning Valley Estates S/D L1 & L2

Burlington from R1 Single Family

Residence to M1 Light Industrial,

Planning Commission suggested to

move forward as presented, Skees

second, motion carried. Building per-

mits: Lebrun 6900 Co Rd 15 W

$109, Jespersen 7900 Co Rd 15 W

$190. Kremer motioned to approve

pending approval of 2nd reading of

rezoning Jespersen property, Ander-

son second, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

L Brooks, Auditor

(May 16, 2020)




Finance Committee Special Meet-

ing, South Prairie School, Zoom,

Tuesday, April 14, 2020. 1. Call

Meeting to Order: Meeting called to

order 5:30 pm. Attending: Randy

Korslien, Steve Eberle, Wayne Stan-

ley and Barb Magnuson. 2. Action

Approve Agenda: 3. New Business

3.1 Construction Financing: Resolu-

tions must be adopted for the sale of

the bond to proceed. 3.2 March

Financials: Discussion was had re-

garding year to date progress and

upcoming budget plans. 3.3 Library

Repair: Reimburse Mrs. Hiltner for

extra hours put in to restore library.

3.4 Football Field Lights: Discussion

was had regarding the cost of lights

and getting bids. 4. Adjournment:

Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm.

(May 16, 2020)




Regular Meeting, South Prairie

School, Staff Workroom, Tuesday,

April 14, 2020. 1. Call Meeting to

Order. President Randy Korslien

called the meeting to order at 6:32

p.m. Other members present; Curt

Olson, Sheila Lindbo, Chad Mosser

and Steve Eberle. Also present,

Wayne Stanley, Superintendent,

Principal Delwyn Groninger, Princi-

pal Darwin Routledge and Business

Manager Barb Magnuson. 2. Con-

sent Agenda. 2.1 Approve Agenda.

2.2 Approve Meeting Minutes

(03/10/20, 3/19/20, 03/26/20). 2.3

Pay Bills/ Pay Warrants. Moved by

Olson, seconded by Mosser to the

consent agenda. Carried unani-

mously. 3. Communications/

Correspondence 4. Reports. Busi-

ness Manager’s Report – Mrs. Mag-

nuson. The Business Manager’s Re-

port noted: Funds were received

from US Treasury for Excise tax

credit, NDIRF rebate dollars. One in-

tent to run for school board member

was received. Principal’s Report-Mr.

Groninger: Preschool families have

all been contacted and are ready for

next fall. Spring teacher evaluations

are complete. Distance learning go-

ing well. Principal’s Report-Mr.

Routledge: Distance Learning going

well. Three positions have been

hired: music, ag and science. Work-

ing on schedule for next year.

Superintendent’s Report – Mr. Stan-

ley. Enrollment steady is up. Week-

ly meetings with state offices. We

have applied for a couple of grants.

We are serving about 400 meals

each day. Building committee:

Pre-casts are complete. Electricians

have already been in the building

working. Digging will begin as soon

as the frost is out. Finance Commit-

tee: Transportation will be down ap-

proximately 25% next year. State

funding is based on this year. Tran-

sportation: Discussed bus purchase

in 2020-21. 5. Public Comment-

none. 6. Old Business 7. New Busi-

ness 7.1 Absentee Ballot: Governor

Burgum by executive order 2020-19

has waived the requirement to have

a polling location and set times. Mo-

tion made by Lindbo to conduct by

mail ballot the annual 2020 election

or any special elections held during

the period of emergency, second by

Olson. Motion carried unanimously.

7.2 Tuition Waivers/Open Enroll-

ments: Mosser motioned to approve

tuition waivers and open enroll-

ments, seconded by Lindbo. Eberle

abstained vote. Carried Unanimous-

ly. 7.3 Contracts: Eberle motioned

to approve the teacher contracts,

seconded by Olson. Carried unani-

mously. 7.4 Construction Resolution:

Two resolutions to adopt to proceed

with the bond sale, scheduled for

May 6, 2020. Motion to approve by

Eberle, seconded by Mosser. Car-

ried unanimously. 8. Informational/

Discussion. 8.1 Enrollment Update:

Enrollment is up. 8.2 Addition

Update/Construction Timeline: Dis-

cussed above. 8.3 Library Flood Up-

date: Mrs. Hiltner has not been reim-

bursed for her extra time putting the

library back together. Insurance dol-

lars were received of $2,150. Mo-

tion by Mosser to pay Mrs. Hiltner,

seconded by Lindbo. Carried unani-

mously. 9. Adjournment. Motion to

adjourn by Lindbo, seconded by

Eberle. Meeting adjourn at 7:19 p.m.

/s/Randy Korslien

Randy Korslien, President

/s/Barb Magnuson

Barb Magnuson, Business Manager

(May 16, 2020)









the South Prairie Public School Dis-

trict No. 70, Ward County, North

Dakota will receive sealed bids at

the office of Dougherty & Company

LLC, Bismarck, North Dakota, until

10:00 a.m., CT, on Tuesday, June 9,

2020, for the purchase of the above

Certificates. The Board of Educa-

tion will meet thereafter on the date

of bid opening to consider the bids.

The Certificates will be dated the

date of closing. The Certificates will

mature on August 1, in the years

and amounts set forth below: Year,

Amount: 2021, $200,000; 2022,

210,000; 2023, 210,000; 2024,

215,000; 2025, 220,000; 2026,

220.000; 2027, 225,000; 2028,

230,000; 2029, 235,000; 2030,

240,000; 2031, 245,000; 2032,

250,000; 2033, 260,000; 2034,

265,000; 2035, 275,000;

Interest on the Certificates will be

payable semiannually on each

February 1 and August 1, commenc-

ing August 1, 2020. The Certificates

maturing in 2030 and thereafter shall

be callable at the option of the

School District on August 1, 2029,

and any date thereafter at a price

equal to the principal amount thereof

plus accrued interest. Bids may use

a combination of serial and term

bonds. One rate per maturity ex-

pressed in integral multiples of 1/20

or 1/8 of 1%. All Certificates of the

same maturity shall bear a uniform

rate from date of issue to maturity.

No rate may be more than one per-

centage point lower than the rate for

any prior maturity. Each bid must be

for the entire principal amount of the

Certificates. Bids must be at a price

not less than $3,465,000 (99.0%)

plus accrued interest. The Certifi-

cates will be designated as qualified

tax-exempt obligations under Sec-

tion 265 of the Internal Revenue

Code. The Certificates will be spe-

cial obligations of the School District

for which the School District will

pledge State funds to be received in

the form of foundation aid alloca-

tions. The School District will partici-

pate in the North Dakota Credit

Enhancement Program. Bids must

be accompanied by a good faith

deposit in the form of a certified

check, cashier’s check, surety bond,

or bond draft in the amount of

$35,000. The School District

reserves the right to adjust the total

issue size of the Certificates. The

School District reserves the right to

reject any and all bids, to waive any

informality in any bid and to adjourn

the sale. No bid may be altered or

withdrawn after the time specified for

opening. Proceeds of the Bonds will

be used to construct, remodel, im-

prove and equip school buildings

and to pay costs incidental to such

work and bond issuance. Legal

opinion by Arntson Stewart Wegner

PC, Bismarck, North Dakota. Addi-

tional information concerning the

offering may be obtained from and

bidding forms will be distributed by

Dougherty & Company LLC, 120

North 3rd Street, PO Box 2157,

Bismarck, North Dakota, 58502.

(701) 222-1616.

Dated: April 28, 2020.



/s/ Wayne Stanley, Superintendent

(May 16, 2020)


The City of Minot Planning Commis-

sion will meet in regular session on

June 2, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. in the

Council Chambers of City Hall. At

that meeting, the following public

hearings will be opened: 1. Interim

Use Permit – Section 23-155-83,

Outlots 18-29 Less Right-of-Way.

Public hearing request on an appli-

cation by Minot Public Schools for

an IUP (Interim Use Permit) to allow

two (2) additional modular class-

room buildings to be added to the

five (5) existing portable classroom

buildings for a total of seven (7).

The additional classroom space is

needed due to an increase in stu-

dents. This property is located at

1000 6th Street SW.

(May 16, 2020)


The Burlington Planning will hold a

public hearing on May 28, 2019 @

5:30pm at Burlington City Hall, 225

N Wallace St. The following public

hearing will be opened: Dead-End

sign at the bottom of Grayson Drive.

Lynn Brooks, Auditor

(May 16, 2020)


The 23rd Annual Meeting for policy-

holders of Hartland Mutual In-

surance Company will be held on

Tuesday, June 16, 2020 at 2:00 pm

at the Sleep Inn, 2400 10th St. SW,

Minot, North Dakota. Registration

for the meeting will begin at 1:30

pm. In addition to the business

meeting, a pie and coffee social will

be provided.

(May16, 2020)


Case No. 51-2020-PR-00086




In the Matter of the Estate of

Douglas N. Stevick, Deceased.


the undersigned has been appointed

personal representative of the above

estate. All persons having claims

against the said deceased are re-

quired to present their claims within

three (3) months after the date of the

first publication or mailing of this no-

tice or said claims will be forever

barred. Claims must either be

presented to Audrey F. Stevick, per-

sonal representative of the

above-named estate, in care of

Louser & Zent, P.C., Town & Coun-

try Center, 1015 South Broadway,

Suite 15, Minot, North Dakota

58701, or filed with the Court.

Dated this 6th day of May, 2020.

/s/Audrey F. Stevick

Audrey F. Stevick

811 – 11th Avenue Southeast

Minot, ND 58701

Diane R. Louser (ID #03882)


Town & Country Center

1015 South Broadway – Suite 15

Minot, ND 58701

Telephone No. (701) 837-4846

Attorneys for the Personal


(May 16-23-30, 2020)



Civil No. 51-2020-JV-00027






State of North Dakota,



K.S., child,

Dejuan Westberry, putative father,

Unknown, father






UNKNOWN, FATHER. A petition to

Terminate Parental Rights of Dejaun

Westberry, putative father, and Unk-

nown, father was heard by the Court

on April 16, 2020. The Respondent

parent, Dejuan Westberry, putative

father, and Unknown, father, were

not present. That the Court found

based on the file and the testimony

and evidence that Dejaun Westber-

ry, putative father, and Unknown, fa-

ther, should be forever deprived of

all parental rights with reference to

K.S. Based on the foregoing the

Court enterd an ORDER TO TER-


Dejaun Westberry, putative father,

and Unknown, father, be and hereby

deprived of all parental rights with

refernce to said child and the rela-

tionship of parent and child between

the child and the natural father is

hereby forever terminated.

Dated at Minot, North Dakota this

11th day of May, 2020.


/s/Connie S. Portscheller

Connie S. Portscheller

Judicial Referee

(May 16-23-30, 2020)


Saturday, May 30th, 2020

at 12:00 p.m.

Items stored by Juleo Pretel. Locat-

ed at the Mini Storage Units #23.

4220 Burdick Expressway E, Minot,

ND. Highest bidder, all sales final.

Terms: Cash

(May 16-29, 2020)

2020 Ward County Board of


In accordance with North Dakota

Century Code (N.D.C.C.) ’57-02-52:

Notice of county board of equaliza-

tion meeting.

Date: June 2, 2020

Time: 1:00 pm

Location: Commissioner’s

Chamber (Suite 218) , Ward Coun-

ty Administration Building

Each taxpayer has the right to ap-

pear before the appropriate board of

equalization and petition their

current year’s assessment. For

those wishing to petition their valua-

tion, contact the Ward County Tax

Equalization office at 701.857.6430

to be placed on the agenda for the

meeting, and submit all appeal do-

cumentation, no later than end of

business May 26, 2020.

(May 9-11-12-13-14-15-

16-18-19-20-21-22-23, 2020)


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