
Legal Notices 5-23

Lewis and Clark School Board

Regular Meeting

March 11, 2020

The regular meeting of the Lewis

and Clark School Board was called

to order at 7:00pm in the Berthold

board room. Board members

present were Erickson, Pank, Hen-

nessy, Engelhard, Schilla and

Deaver. Absent was Brown. Also

present were Superintendent Ritte-

man, High School Principal Jenkins,

Athletic Director Brown, Business

Managers Liz Huus and Tammy Lin-

dahl and guests Leslie Nelson and

Traci Braaflat. Motion was made by

Hennessy/ Pank to approve the

agenda with the addition of two

items. All yes. MC. Motion was

made by Pank/ Hennessy to ap-

prove the minutes of the regular

board meeting February 10, 2020.

All yes. MC. The following general

and building fund bills were present-

ed: ACT 84.00; AmeriPride 725.96;

BHG, Inc. 83.35; CREA 300.00; City

of Berthold 880.80; Enerbase

127.24; Janae Graveson 232.30;

Glass Doctor 290.31; Information

Technology 212.04; Lakeshore

Learning 18.99; Mac’s Hardware

234.90; Menards 255.03; ND Center

for Distance 537.00; North Prairie

Rural Water 466.91; Otter Tail

6,547.83; Plaza Hardware 117.89;

Ramkota Hotel 568.80; Reservation

Telephone 704.46; School Specialty

364.75; Sears Home Services

109.00; Share Corporation 475.42;

Emily Taylor 50.00; The Minot Daily

News 125.40; USA Central Station

90.00; Verendrye Electric 5,727.00;

Xcel Energy 552.53; Tectra Aerican

1,874.00; The Horace Mann 744.62;

BASYS 257.00; Total March Payroll

– $442,873.37. American Express

984.69; American Welding 49.07;

Burlington Electric 1,134.56; Bert-

hold Cenex 6,608.43; Dakota Boys

and Girls 9,576.00; Farmers Union

Lumber 601.91; Fire Extinguishing

Systems 259.85; Hartley’s School

Buses 579.61; Kevin’s Plumbing

142.50; Lemer Enterprises 1,686.81;

MARCO 130.00, Montana Dakota

Union 6,715.48; Prairie Winds

188.78; Rapids 33.46; Ryan, GMC

1,344.82; Schock’s Safe and Lock

15.00; Stein’s 3,002.21; TCI 434.25;

Trinity Medical 100.00; USI 172.19;

Wal-Mart 174.90; HA Thompson

7,520.00; Postmaster 70.75; Com-

panion Dental 15.00; First Interna-

tional 63.70; Total March General

Fund – $59,639.00. Total March

Building Fund – $9,394.00. The

board and administration reviewed

the bills and financial reports. Motion

was made by Pank/ Hennessy to ac-

cept the general and building fund

bills and the revenue and expense

reports. All yes. MC. Motion was

made by Hennessy/ Deaver to ac-

cept the Hot Lunch report dated

2-29-2020. All yes. Engelhard/ Hen-

nessy to approve the non-tuition

agreement for one student to attend

Minot Public School from the Lewis

and Clark- Berthold School for the

2020-21 school year. All yes. MC.

Board and administration discussed

the volume of open enrollments and

non-tuitions forms we are receiving.

Motion was made by Pank/ Hen-

nessy to approve the three open en-

rollment applications for three stu-

dents to attend Lewis and

Clark-NSP from the Parshall District

for the 2020-21 school year. All yes.

MC. Motion was made by Hen-

nessy/ Pank to approve the open

enrollment applications for seven

students to attend Lewis and

Clark-NSP from the New Town Dis-

trict for the 2020-21 school year. All

yes. MC. Motion was made by

Engelhard/ Hennessy to approve the

review of the Pledges of Securities

from 1st International Bank. All yes.

MC. School board election was dis-

cussed. Positions open are those

held by Troy Pank (old North Shore

District) and Jerry Hennessy (old

Berthold District). Motion was made

by Hennessy/ Engelhard for election

to be held on Tuesday, June 9, 2020

from 7:00 AM- 7:00 PM. Candidates

must file by 4:00pm; on Monday

April 6, 2020 and sign a financial

Disclosure statement. All yes. MC.

An updated Wellness Policy was

discussed. Motion by Pank/ Hen-

nessy to rescind te present Wellness

Policy ABCC. All yes. MC. Motion

by Hennessy/ Engelhard to adopt

the Wellness Policy ABCC as 1st

reading. All yes. MC. Athletic Direc-

tor Brown discussed BBB for grades

5-6 in Berthold. Options are to stay

with one 5/6 team or move the 4th

grade and have 2 teams. After board

discussion, consensus was to move

up the 4th grade and have 2 teams.

Junior High BBB for next year was

discussed. Board consensus to stay

with a combined NSP/ Berthold

junior high boys team which is also

in agreement with the board motion

to leave all sports programs as they

are. All spring sports have started

and NSP BBB is still competing in

the region tourney. Superintendent

presented two teacher contracts.

Motion was made by Hennessy/

Deaver to hire Kayla Neshem as the

Lewis and Clark-Berthold 4th grade

teacher starting 2020-21 year. All

yes. MC. The second contract is for

a Berthold math teacher. Mr. Ritte-

man is working with an immigration

lawyer toward a VISA for this indivi-

dual. Motion was made by Hen-

nessy/ Pank to accept the registra-

tion of Lewis and Clark Berthold Sci-

ence teacher – Eric Johnson at the

end of 2019-20 year. All yes. MC.

Mr. Ritteman discussed the need to

hire a Dean of Students at NSP. Mo-

tion by Pank/ Engelhard for Lewis

and Clark – NSP to advertise for a

Dean of Students for the 2020-21

year. All yes. MC. Me. Ritteman has

two architecture firms lined up to

give the board proposals for renova-

tions in NSP at the April regular

board meeting. Board and adminis-

tration discussed 8th grade gradua-

tion as a part of high school gradua-

tion. Superintendent Ritteman gave

the results of the survey with 82 for

ending 8th grade graduation and 79

for keeping it. Motion was made by

Deaver/ Hennessy to stop the tradi-

tion of 8th grade graduation starting

this year. On roll call vote:

Engelhard – no. MC 5-1. Mr. Ritte-

man discussed state funding propo-

sal for next year and some informa-

tion on the coronavirus. High School

Principal Jenkins presented the pro-

posed High School Handbook for

both schools. All changes were not-

ed in red. Motion was made by Hen-

nessy/ Schilla to approve the

2020-21 Lewis and Clark High

School Handbook as 1st reading. All

yes. MC. With no further business

the meeting adjourned with a motion

by Hennessy at 9:35pm.

/s/Liz Huus

Liz Huus

Recording Business Manager

(May 23, 2020)

Lewis and Clark School Board

Special Meeting

March 23, 2020

The special meeting of the Lewis

and Clark School Board was called

to order at 7:00pm in the Plaza

boardroom. Board present were Er-

ickson, Hennessy, Pank, Schilla and

Deaver. Absent were Brown and

Engelhard. Also present were Su-

perintendent Ritteman and Business

Managers Liz Huus and Tammy Lin-

dahl. The purpose of the meeting

was to discuss the coronavirus pan-

demic affecting our entire world. Mr.

Ritteman gave the board a rundown

of the past eight days since the

Governor called off school. Gui-

dance from the Governor’s office

says ultimate goal is for everyone to

be ready academically for the next

year. First the board addressed pay-

roll for all hourly paid employees and

bus drivers. Motion was made by

Schilla/ Hennessy to pay hourly staff

and bus drivers their hours and rate

of pay per their memorandum of

understanding until the end of the

school year if the school closure

continues. Under Mr. Ritteman’s gui-

dance there will be required hours to

work as needed. Discussion fol-

lowed. All yes. MC. Mr. Ritteman

presented the Lewis and Clark Dis-

tance Learning Plan prepared by the

administration. The plan needs

board approval, followed by Depart-

ment of Public Instruction approval.

It outlines expectations of school

staff with online education, meals

provided through delivery, communi-

cations plans and much more. Dis-

cussion followed. Motion was made

by Hennessy/ Deaver to approve the

Lewis and Clark District #161 Dis-

tance Learning Plan and to submit

the plan to the Department of Public

Instruction by the March 27, 2020

deadline. All yes. MC. With no furth-

er business the meeting adjourned

with a motion by Hennessy at


/s/Liz Huus

Liz Huus

Recording Business Manager

(May 23, 2020)


Case No. 51-2020-PR-00086




In the Matter of the Estate of

Douglas N. Stevick, Deceased.


the undersigned has been appointed

personal representative of the above

estate. All persons having claims

against the said deceased are re-

quired to present their claims within

three (3) months after the date of the

first publication or mailing of this no-

tice or said claims will be forever

barred. Claims must either be

presented to Audrey F. Stevick, per-

sonal representative of the

above-named estate, in care of

Louser & Zent, P.C., Town & Coun-

try Center, 1015 South Broadway,

Suite 15, Minot, North Dakota

58701, or filed with the Court.

Dated this 6th day of May, 2020.

/s/Audrey F. Stevick

Audrey F. Stevick

811 – 11th Avenue Southeast

Minot, ND 58701

Diane R. Louser (ID #03882)


Town & Country Center

1015 South Broadway – Suite 15

Minot, ND 58701

Telephone No. (701) 837-4846

Attorneys for the Personal


(May 16-23-30, 2020)



Civil No. 51-2020-JV-00027






State of North Dakota,



K.S., child,

Dejuan Westberry, putative father,

Unknown, father






UNKNOWN, FATHER. A petition to

Terminate Parental Rights of Dejaun

Westberry, putative father, and Unk-

nown, father was heard by the Court

on April 16, 2020. The Respondent

parent, Dejuan Westberry, putative

father, and Unknown, father, were

not present. That the Court found

based on the file and the testimony

and evidence that Dejaun Westber-

ry, putative father, and Unknown, fa-

ther, should be forever deprived of

all parental rights with reference to

K.S. Based on the foregoing the

Court enterd an ORDER TO TER-


Dejaun Westberry, putative father,

and Unknown, father, be and hereby

deprived of all parental rights with

refernce to said child and the rela-

tionship of parent and child between

the child and the natural father is

hereby forever terminated.

Dated at Minot, North Dakota this

11th day of May, 2020.


/s/Connie S. Portscheller

Connie S. Portscheller

Judicial Referee

(May 16-23-30, 2020)










Sealed Bids for the construction of

the TMBC Water System Improve-

ments -Thorne Reservoir, Pump

Station, and Well Modifications;

Contract 2-4 will be received, by

Turtle Mountain Public Utilities Com-

mission (TMPUC)at PO Box 490,

Belcourt, ND 58316 orat the TMPUC

office at 1001 Chief Little Shell St.

NE, Belcourt, ND 58316until 11:00

A.M.local time on 6/10/2020 at

which time the Bids received will be

Publiclyopened and read. The pro-

ject includes: Mobilization; Traffic

Control and Signage; Erosion Con-

trol; Reservoir and Pump Station

Site Work including: Clearing and

Grubbing; Tree Removal; Topsoil

Stripping and Placement; General

Excavation; Compacted Backfill;

System Interconnections; 16″ PVC

raw water main; 16″ Gate Valves

with Box; Gravel Surfacing with

Geotextile Fabric; Chain Link Fence

and Gates; Street Lighting and

electrical site work; Seeding and

Mulching; 500,000 Gallon Raw Wa-

ter Reservoir Construction including:

Subgrade Preparation; Cast in Place

Foundation/Base Slab and Column

Supports; Precast Walls; Precast

Roof and Supports; Reservoir Insu-

lation; Reservoir Mechanical Work;

Reservoir Electrical Work; Raw Wa-

ter Pump Station Construction in-

cluding: Subgrade Preparation, Cast

in Place Foundation, Precast Walls

and Roof; Pump Station Mechanical

Work – Process; Industrial Coatings;

Pump Station Electrical Work; Pump

Station Mechanical Work – HVAC;

Thorne Wellfield Work including:

System Interconnections with PVC

pipeline; PVC Raw Water Main; Pre-

cast Water Meter Vaults; Well Aban-

donment; Electrical Panel Upgrades;

VFDs, Improvements to the Thorne

Pump House; Process Piping and

Appurtenances; Protective Coatings;

and Fire Hydrant Assemblies. Bids

will be received for a single prime

Contract. Bids shall be on a lump

sum and unit price basis, indicated

in the Bid Form. The Issuing Offices

for the Bidding Documents is Hous-

ton Engineering Inc, 3712 Lockport

Street; Bismarck, ND 58503,

(701)-323-0200.Prospective Bidders

may examine or obtain copies of the

Bidding Documents at the Issuing

Office on Mondays through Fridays

between the hours of 8:00 A.M –

5:00 P.M. Bidding Documents also

may be examined at Houston En-

gineering Inc, 18 3rd St. SE Suite

100; Minot, ND 58701;

701-852-7931 or TM Public Utilities,

1001 Chief Little Shell St. NE; Bel-

court, ND 58316 between the hours

of 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Bidding

Documents may be obtained from

the Issuing Office during the hours

indicated above. Bidding Docu-

ments are available electronically

(as portable document format (PDF)

files) for a non-refundable charge of

$150,including shipping via over-

night express service. Neither Own-

er nor Engineer will be responsible

for full or partial sets of Bidding Do-

cuments, including Addenda if any,

obtained from sources other than the

Issuing Office. Complete digital pro-

ject bidding documents are also

available for download at

www.questcdn.com. You may down-

load digital plan documents for

$35by inputting Quest pro-

ject#7082083 on the web site’s Pro-

ject Search page. Please contact

QuestCDN.com at (952) 233-1632

or info@questcdn.com for assis-

tance in free membership registra-

tion, downloading, and working with

this digital project information. Bid

security shall be furnished in accor-

dance with the Instructions to

Bidders. Bidders on this Work are

required to comply with the Turtle

Mountain Tribal Employment Rights

Ordinance (TERO) and must have

or obtain a TERO license prior to the

contract notice to proceed date. A

TERO license is not required at time

of bidding.Current wage scales are

available from the TERO office, PO

Box 900, Highway 5 West, Belcourt,

ND 58316, (701) 477-2660. The ap-

parent successful Bidder, including

subcontractors, shall obtain Tribal

Business Licenses from the TERO

office prior to contract award. TERO

and EPA fees are paid by the owner

and are NOTthe responsibility of the

Contractor. BIDDERS on this work

will be required to comply with Exe-

cutive Orders 11246, as amended,

11458, 11518, 11625, 13201,

13202, and 13208. In the evaluation

of the bids, the Owner may, within

funding limitations, give preference

up to the amount of 5% above the

lowest total bid, to qualified Indian

owned firms. The qualified Indian

owned firms must register with the

local TERO Office prior to the bid

opening. The Contractor shall be

responsible for obtaining and com-

plying with Business Regulations –

Title 18 and TERO Ordinance – Title

32. The latest versions of these do-

cuments can be obtained from the

TERO office or can be downloaded

at www.tmchippewa.com/tero. In the

evaluation of the bids, the Owner,

within funding limitations, may award

all schedules or any combination of

schedules or items as listed in the

bid schedule. Section 746 of Title VII

of the Consolidated Appropriations

Act of 2017 (Division A – Agriculture,

Rural Development, Food and Drug

Administration, and Related Agen-

cies Appropriations Act, 2017) and

subsequent statutes mandating

domestic preference applies an

American Iron and Steel require-

ment to this project. All listed iron

and steel products used in this pro-

ject must be produced in the United

States. The term “iron and steel

products” means the following pro-

ducts made primarily of iron or steel:

lined or unlined pipes and fittings,

manhole covers and other municipal

castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges,

pipe clamps and restraints, valves,

structural steel, reinforced precast

concrete, and construction materi-

als. The de minimis and minor com-

ponents waiver apply to this con-

tract. Any entity with any current,

past or pending litigation or arbitra-

tion with the Tribe may be deemed

unresponsive and the Tribe reserves

the right to reject or accept any con-

tract based upon its sovereign im-

munity. Owner: Turtle Mountain

Public Utilities Commission

By: Kenneth J. Azure

Title: Executive Director

Date: May 13, 2020

(May 23-30; June 6, 2020)

2020 Ward County Board of


In accordance with North Dakota

Century Code (N.D.C.C.) Å’57-02-52:

Notice of county board of equaliza-

tion meeting.

Date: June 2, 2020

Time: 1:00 pm

Location: Commissioner’s

Chamber (Suite 218) , Ward Coun-

ty Administration Building

Each taxpayer has the right to ap-

pear before the appropriate board of

equalization and petition their

current year’s assessment. For

those wishing to petition their valua-

tion, contact the Ward County Tax

Equalization office at 701.857.6430

to be placed on the agenda for the

meeting, and submit all appeal do-

cumentation, no later than end of

business May 26, 2020.

(May 9-11-12-13-14-15-

16-18-19-20-21-22-23, 2020)


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