
November weather averages 22.9 degrees

The past month of November had an average temperature of 22.9 degrees, which was 4.4 degrees cooler than the 115-year, long-term average of 27.3 degrees, according to Austin Kraklau of the North Central Research Extension Center, south of Minot.

He said the lowest temperature of the month was -11 degrees, which occurred on Nov. 12. The high was 70 degrees, which occurred on Nov. 2.

Kraklau said November had three days with below zero temperature. He said the last time there were three or more days with below zero in November was in 2014 with four days below zero.

The total moisture for the month was 1.04 inches, which is 0.29 inches above the long-term average of 0.75 inches.

“The total snowfall for the month was 10.6 inches, which is 4.5 inches above the long-term average of 6.1 inches,” he said.

The National Weather Service is forecasting partly sunny and sunny weather this weekend, following today’s winter weather with a high of 9 and low of -7 degrees. Saturday’s forecasted high is 19 degrees, and Sunday could see 27 degrees.


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